Innovez & Captivez.
Découvrez notre service de création de site web sur-mesure

Webdesign & Création de site Web

Pour commencer à prospecter

Landing page

Ideal pour ceux qui lance leur entreprise ou un nouveau projet et qui souhaitent un site web rapidement 

pour developper ses ventes

Site Web sur-mesure

Parfait pour les entreprises qui souhaite améliorer leur visibilité & leur taux de conversion 

Pour vendre en ligne


Une solution sur-mesure pour les entreprises vendant des produits, des services ou des cours en ligne.

Un Site Internet doit vendre pour vous

Imaginez un monde où votre site web n’est pas seulement une vitrine mais votre meilleur allié — le plus convaincant de votre force commerciale. Avec soin, nous asseyons votre influence sur la scène digitale avec une identité de caractère qui non seulement convainc mais laisse un impact mémorable bien au-delà du superficiel. Nos sites internet ne sont pas juste une vitrine, mais au contraire, vendent pour vous avec finesse. Un atout de choix qui fonctionne 24/7 et séduit vos prospects, communique vos valeurs, et invite avec subtilité à la vente et la prise de contact. Votre site devient acteur de vos désirs et transforme avec habileté les plus curieux en clients convaincus.

Ensemble, transformons votre présence digitale en espace à vendre qui raconte votre histoire et garde votre audience captivée.

Bien plus qu'un Site Internet

Au-delà d’un simple site web, c’est votre représentation numérique — une preuve de votre savoir-faire et de votre crédibilité. Dans le monde virtuel, rien ne parle aussi fort ni ne reflète aussi fidèlement votre expertise. Ce n’est pas juste une page web ; c’est votre identité en ligne, qui met en valeur l’essence de votre travail et la fiabilité de votre marque à chaque pixel et à chaque clic.


Découvrez les témoignages
de nos clients

Découvrez ce qui est inclu

Un site web orienté conversion

Nos sites sont esthétiques mais sont avant tout pensé pour inciter vos visiteurs à passer à l’achat. A scalable website that grows with your business, allowing the addition of pages, information, functionnalities, and visuals as needed : blogs, eshop, courses, …

Une identité de marque sur mesure

A uniquely tailored branding strategy that effectively communicates your values, positioning, and distinctive offerings, effortlessly attracting and converting leads.

Un site facile à prendre en main

An easily manageable website, empowering you or your team to update content independently without delving into technical complexities.

un service client à votre disposition

Three months of maintenance included (for multipages website), ensuring smooth operation and addressing any issues promptly. You will have time to fully test your website 

des process clairs et une communication fluide

Creating a website is not a small project. We will ensure a smooth collaboration through whatapps or email. Creating a website shouldn’t be a nightmare but a nice experience making move your business forward

une page de maintenance "site en construction"

Custom “Coming soon” or “Under construction” website pages for a polished image while your site is under development.

un accès à une base de photo premium

Complimentary access to 20 premium stock images to enhance the visual appeal of your website. Perfect for business owners who don’t have time to invest into a photoshoot 

Un site optimisé pour le référencement naturel

Even if you won’t invest into a advanced SEO optimisation, we will make sure that the website we build for you is Google friendly and you have access to your traffic statistics

Nos process

Chez September, nous faisons de la communication et la collaboration avec nos clients notre priorité 

Votre site internet est le fruit d’un travail collaboratif où nous mettons à votre service nos compétences techniques et la créativité de nos talents, tout en s’assurant de respecter votre vision et vos besoin. Nos 10 années d’expériences en création de site internet vous assure une collaboration fluide à chaque étape de votre projet, du receuil des besoins à la mise en ligne finale. 

Consultation stratégie

Une Session dédiée à comprendre votre Entreprise, votre Vision, et vos Besoins

Création de votre branding

Nous Concevons une Identité de Marque Unique, Reflétant Votre Vision et Résonnant avec Votre Public

Création des Wireframes

Notre Équipe Élabore des Wireframes Détaillés (=squelette de page) pour Visualiser la Structure de Votre Site Web.

Design des Pages

Chaque page est conçue méticuleusement, avec une esthétique harmonieuse et une utilisabilité pour une expérience utilisateur captivante.

Développement de votre Site

Nous donnons vie au design de votre site, en créant un site web fonctionnel et captivant

Test & Corrections

Des tests rigoureux sont effectués pour garantir que tout fonctionne parfaitement avant le grand lancement.


Nous organisons des sessions de formation pour vous permettre de gérer votre site de manière efficace.

Jour J

Le lancement de votre site le rend disponible au monde entier

Maintenance et aprés-service

Nous offrons un soutien continu et assurons la maintenance pour garantir le bon fonctionnement optimal de votre site web.   

The Discovery

During this session, we take the time to understand your business, vision, and needs.

Crafting your Brand

We design a unique brand identity that reflects your vision and resonates with your audience.

Creating Wireframes

Our team drafts detailed wireframes to visualise the structure of your website.

Designing Pages

Each page is meticulously designed, with harmonious aesthetics and usability for an engaging user experience.

Building your Website

We bring the design of your site to life, crafting a functional and captivating website.

Testing and Correcting

Rigorous testing to ensure everything works smoothly before the big reveal.


We include training sessions to ensure you’re empowered to manage and your site efficiently.

Launch Day

Launch your site, making it live for the world to see and engage with.

Maintenant and Aftercare

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, We provide ongoing support and maintenance to keep your website performing at its best.

The Discovery

During this session, we take the time to understand your business, vision, and needs.

Crafting your Brand

We design a unique brand identity that reflects your vision and resonates with your audience.

Creating Wireframes

Our team drafts detailed wireframes to visualise the structure of your website.

Designing Pages

Each page is meticulously designed, with harmonious aesthetics and usability for an engaging user experience.

Building your Website

We bring the design of your site to life, crafting a functional and captivating website.

Testing and Correcting

Rigorous testing to ensure everything works smoothly before the big reveal.


We include training sessions to ensure you’re empowered to manage and your site efficiently.

Launch Day

Launch your site, making it live for the world to see and engage with.

Maintenant and Aftercare

We provide ongoing support and maintenance to keep your website performing at its best.

Bien plus qu'un créateur de site internet

Bien plus que la simple création de site internet, notre approche est personnel et vous assure d’être soutenu à chaque étape. Nous ne créons pas simplement un site web; nous nous engageons à donner le meilleur de nos compétences pour le succès de votre business

Vision Marketing 

Forts de notre expérience en création de site web et de nos formations, nous apportons à votre projet notre perspective marketing pour créer une précense en ligne impactante. En fusionnant bonnes pratiques et sens artistique, votre site web dépasse les simples considérations esthétiques pour s’imposer sur la scène digitale.

Soutien d’Équipe Collaboratif

Nous agissons en tant que membres dévoués de votre équipe, offrant un soutien continu et des conseils précieux à chaque étape du processus pour garantir votre réussite.

Mise en contact avec d’autres experts

En choisissant September, vous avez accès à notre vaste réseau, vous garantissant ainsi les meilleures ressources disponibles pour créer un site web exceptionnel.

Un Processus Sans Stress

Nous sommes fiers de prendre plaisir dans ce que nous faisons, garantissant ainsi un processus sans stress pour vous. Notre engagement envers l’excellence signifie que nous travaillons avec passion pour créer des résultats dont nous pouvons tous être fiers

Identité de Marque &

Faites impression avec une identité de marque sur mesure et professionnelle. Nos designers créeront un logo distinctif, choisiront des couleurs percutantes et développeront une identité visuelle cohérente qui vous démarquera de votre concurrence. Une identité de marque de caractère est le signe de crédibilité, professionnalisme et d’unicité. 

Design &

Faites une impression marquante avec des conceptions print et digital impeccables. Nos designers experts créeront des visuels accrocheurs pour vous démarquer, que ce soit sur papier ou en ligne. Optez pour un design professionnel qui renforce votre image et attire l’attention. Découvrez comment nos services peuvent donner vie à vos idées et booster votre présence visuelle.

Ravie de vous rencontrer

My name is Sarah, and I’m the idea, creator, and designer behind Studio September, a one-stop service website agency with over 10 years of experience. My entrepreneurial journey began when I made the bold decision to leave my corporate job in the heart of Paris. Seeking inspiration and new experiences, I embarked on a transformative trip across South East Asia.

Now, my life is spread between the vibrant energy of Europe and the peaceful serenity of Chiang Mai. It is in this harmonious balance that I find inspiration and collaborate with a team of like-minded individuals who share my passion for creating exceptional websites.

At Studio September, we are dedicated to crafting websites that not only make a strong first impression but also encourage sales and drive meaningful connections with your audience. We combine creativity, technical expertise, and a smooth and collaborative approach to deliver extraordinary results.

We believe that the journey of creating a website should be a smooth and enjoyable collaboration with our clients. Your vision and goals are at the heart of our process, and we work closely with you to ensure your website reflects your unique brand identity and achieves your business objectives.

Notre équipe

Nous sommes des consultants, des experts, des créatifs et des chefs de projet du monde entier, unis pour faire de votre projet un succès.


Get to know us

Demandez votre Audit Site Web Offert de 15min

Exploitez tout le potentiel de votre présence en ligne grâce à notre audit de site web gratuit de 15 minutes – une évaluation de votre site internet qui vous donnera des clés pour booster vos performances digitales. 


Usually between 2 and 4 weeks, it depends when we receive the content.

A brand identity is one of the pillars that makes up your brand and business. It is what makes you different from others within your field. If you do not have a brand identity yet, we strongly advise that you create one as this will only elevate your online presence.

However, branding in itself is not mandatory but it will only benefit you, and your business. If you need help, we have extensive experience in creating brand identities for our clients, in fact, it is one of our most popular services! – We are here to help you every step of the way.

I understand that you may be busy and may not have the time for a photoshoot right now. However, I do want to emphasize the importance of having high-quality, professional images on your website. A photoshoot can help capture your brand’s unique personality and create a more personalized experience for your visitors. That said, if a photoshoot is not possible at the moment, we can use stock images as an alternative. While stock images may not be as customized to your brand, they can still provide a professional and visually appealing look to your website. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and we can work together to find the best solution for your business.

I want to assure you that you don’t need to worry about the technical aspects of your website. As your web agency, our role is to handle all the technical details for you, so you can focus on what matters most to your business. We’ll take care of everything from setting up your website to making sure it’s running smoothly, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your website is in good hands. We also offer a range of website platforms beyond WordPress, so we can find the best fit for your needs. Ultimately, our goal is to make the website design process as easy and stress-free as possible for you.
I’m happy to let you know that we can work to get your website done within 24 hours. We have a team of experienced web developers and designers who are dedicated to delivering high-quality work efficiently and effectively. That said, please keep in mind that some more complex projects may require more time to complete, but we will do our best to provide you with a realistic timeline and keep you informed every step of the way. We’re committed to meeting your needs and deadlines, so please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

I completely understand that building a website can be a daunting task, and it can be hard to find the energy to tackle it all on your own. That’s where we come in! As your web agency, we can take care of everything for you. All we need from you is to tell us the pages you need on your website and any specific design preferences you may have. From there, we can work with you or a copywriter to create compelling content that effectively communicates your message to your audience. We’ll also provide you with a transparent and fair price quote, so you know exactly what to expect. Once your website is built, we’ll check everything to ensure that it’s functioning properly and meets your expectations. We pride ourselves on being able to work independently and efficiently, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns – we’re here to help!

Our Portfolio

See how we transformed the inspired version of our clients to successful online presence


Elevate the impact of your coaching and mentorship with the support of a professional brand designer.

Contact Us

Let’s get in touch and start to build an impactful online presence 

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Sara Stenqvist

Sara Stenqvist is an inspiring coach, healer, and one of the masterminds behind a holistic lifestyle retreat in a tranquil Chiang Mai, Living With the Spirit. After years of managing and being a soothing face of the brand, Sara is finally ready to create a branding of her own. Sara Stenqvist is an inspiring coach, healer, and one of the masterminds behind a holistic lifestyle retreat in a tranquil Chiang Mai, Living With the Spirit. After years of managing and being a soothing face of the brand, Sara is finally ready to create a branding of her own.

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Direction Artistique

  • Client

    Sara Stenqvist

Open Project

La Porte Interieur

To create a powerful website that reveals to the world about a way of life that incorporates profound connection with nature and all creation, we explored various humble elements that spark a positive nostalgia and pragmatic curiosity. The use of classical elements – from fire to water and earthy tone presents a grounding interface. Just like experiencing being outside with wind hitting your face, we want to create a mental repose for people visiting the La Porte Interiure website.

  • Design

    Branding, Web Design, WordPress Website

  • Client

    La Porte Interieur

Open Project

Maison Jourquin

Maison Jourquin’s website acts as a digital shop to elevate and simplify visitors’ experience, with features including complete images and prices of the products they can choose as if they’re standing in front of an actual fish fridge and a safe and easy-to-use order and payment system. Simplicity is the priority here because all that matters for the customers is making that scrumptious seafood feast dinner a reality, and we happily obliged.

  • Design

    Branding, Web Design, WordPress Website

  • Client

    Maison Jourquin

Open Project

Marc LeBeau

Marc A. LeBeau, PhD, is a Senior Forensic Scientist of the Scientific Analysis Section at the FBI Laboratory. He has worked as a Forensic Chemist and Toxicologist in that organization since 1994 and has testified in federal, state, and county courts throughout the United States. We assisted Marc with a total re-branding of his brand identity, which included creating a signature logo, a well-built website, and curated distinguishing elements for consistency to lift his professionalism into his modernized website.

  • Design

    Branding, Web Design, WordPress Website

  • Client

    Marc LeBeau

Open Project

Living with the Spirit

As the designers behind Living with The Spirit’s website, we’ve seamlessly translated the essence of both real-life retreats and transformative programs into the digital realm. Our approach integrates the tactile experience of retreats with the accessibility of online programs, ensuring a cohesive and engaging platform for participants. The website reflects our commitment to capturing the spirit of Living with The Spirit, offering a harmonious blend of visual appeal and functional design. It serves as a gateway for individuals to explore and seamlessly navigate the diverse transformative experiences, whether within the serene retreat space or through the thoughtfully crafted online programs.

  • Design

    Branding, Web Design, WordPress Website

  • Client

    Living with the Spirit

Open Project

Villa Kabaya

Embark on a virtual exploration of the Bali-based Villa Kabaya through our meticulously designed website. This online platform serves as an informative repository, providing a comprehensive overview of the villa’s distinctive features and amenities through a collection of high-quality visuals. Simplicity meets functionality with seamless online booking options, catering to the convenience of contemporary travelers. Our web design emphasizes transparency and credibility, featuring authentic testimonials, detailed pricing structures, and comprehensive local information. Beyond its practical elements, the design contributes to shaping Villa Kabaya’s identity in the competitive hospitality landscape. Functioning as a central communication hub, the website facilitates inquiries and bookings, offering a straightforward and effective digital gateway to engage with the foundation’s offerings.

  • Design

    Web Design, WordPress Website

  • Client

    Villa Kabaya

Open Project


We collaborated with Mio and Partners to create a sleek, minimalist website that seamlessly aligns with their brand ethos. Prioritizing clean design and concise content, the site serves as a subtle yet impactful representation of their luxury villa construction portfolio. It effortlessly communicates their professional approach, emphasizing the elegance and expertise woven into each project. The platform not only enhances the beauty of the images and videos provided but also significantly boosts the conversion rate for booking consultations. This digital space not only offers a modern, user-friendly experience for potential clients to explore their work but also encourages visitors to seamlessly book a consultation, marking a successful fusion of aesthetics and functionality

  • Design

    Web Design, WordPress Website

  • Client


Open Project

Bloom Consulting

Bloom & Co is a French company that provides coaching and consultation on QVT/qualité de vie au travail (quality of work at the workplace). For this project, we helped Bloom & Co set up their website and construct their branding.

  • Design

    UI/UX Design, Direction Artistique

  • Client

    Bloom & Co Consulting

Open Project